easy­square Eigentümer-App

Manage property conveniently

The owner app is specifically tailored to the requirements of condominium owners and their management companies, providing every possible service convenience for communication within the condominium owner association.

Efficiency for properties

To effectively support communications for both the housing company and the owners, easy­square offers a unique digital networking solution. As a central service and communication platform, easy­square promotes transparent exchange between managers and owners.
  • All property-related documents are available around the clock
  • Always up to date on the latest news from the management via the digital noticeboard
  • Issues can be communicated at any time of day using the message service
  • The management can reach its owners proactively from the SAP® system using the chat
  • Neighbourhood function for exchange within the owner community
Die Eigentümer-App ist speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Wohnungseigentümern und ihren Verwaltungen zugeschnitten.
Complete transparency regarding the property
SAP®-integrated message processing
Chat function for immediate clarification of issues
All information collected in a single location
Alle relevanten Informationen sind mit einem Klick abrufbar und Geschäftspartner- und Vertragsstammdaten stehen jederzeit in der Eigentümer-App zur Verfügung

My property

All relevant information can be accessed at a click and business-partner and contract master data is available at all times. There, owners can view their account balance and have an overview of their conditions, appointments and many other details. It is also possible to point out future adjustments to the conditions as well as provide other information that is required for smooth management. In this way, users can keep track of the contractual relationship and all the master data concerning them.

Mit der Eigentümer-App haben Eigentümer rund um die Uhr digitalen Zugriff auf ihre vertragsrelevanten Dokumente

Bidding farewell to stacks of paper

With the app, owners have digital access to their contract-related documents around the clock. Assessment statements, economic plans or overall statements – everything is immediately available digitally in a single location. Even documents with mandatory delivery are delivered securely via the app and a read confirmation collected. This does away with stacks of paper and a considerable amount of postage costs can also be saved.

Alle Informationen rund um das Haus in der Eigentümer-App von easy­square

All information relating to the building

Owners can find all information going beyond the unit they own in the Building Information section. All the information from their management company is visible here at a glance. Items that can usually be found there include the house regulations, declarations of division, lists of contact persons or insurance documents. Owner lists are also uploaded directly from the master data in the respective housing company’s SAP® system and made available. Owners thus have all the necessary information regarding their building in a single place.


Die Integration von Reporting-Diensten in die Professional App stellt für Immobilieneigentümer und Investoren eine sinnvolle Ergänzung dar.
New feature for investors:

Reporting with easy­square

The reporting services allow various key performance indicators and analyses to be displayed clearly and in a structured way – from the composition of the portfolio in terms of usage types to vacancy and fluctuation rates. The graphical display of the data is easy to understand and concentrates on what’s most important.
Die Integration von Reporting-Diensten in die Professional App stellt für Immobilieneigentümer und Investoren eine sinnvolle Ergänzung dar.
Individueller Look der Eigentümer-App bspw. mit einem individuellem Swipe-Intro

Individual look for your owner app

The owner app can be adapted to your company’s corporate design specifications on a customer-specific basis. From the title image to the use of colours and the login dialogue for swiping, our co-branding guide describes all the design options that are available for customising your owner app.

FAQs regarding the owner app

Can owners view their documents from our system?
Certain documents are visible in the owner app. For example, in the “Building Information” function, owners can see information on the condominium owner association – such as the assessment contract, declaration of division or overall settlements. You specify which documents are displayed in the owner app when you introduce the app at your company.
Do I have to update data for the owner app twice?

No, you do not have to update any data twice. The advantage of the owner app is that the data that is already available in your ERP system is seamlessly transferred to the owner app. Adjustments to master data are also synchronised directly.

How are messages via the owner app processed?

The messages from the owner app are processed via easy­square workflow. Targeted division of the tasks ensure that they are delivered directly to the person who is to process them. easy­square workflow guides users through the steps to be completed and enables forwarding of messages, creation of maintenance notifications or correspondence and much more – all combined in a single process.

Can I connect external service providers to my app?
External service providers can receive messages from the owner app. Thanks to an intelligent web interface, defect reports from the owner app, for example, can be forwarded directly and processed in the service provider’s system. The real estate company no longer has to expend any effort on defect reports.
Is the owner app available in my corporate design?

Yes, the owner app can be adapted to a customer-specific design (co-branding). The name of the app, the names of the different areas, colours, texts and background image can all be freely configured.

Which terminal devices are suitable for the owner app?
The owner app is provided for Android and iOS devices as standard and can also be used via a browser.

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